Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
4 Queen St. S, Bolton, ON L7E 1C8


All About Laser

Pre-treatment Instructions:

  • No sun exposure for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • No waxing, tweezing, or depilatory creams for 6 weeks prior.
  • Shave before treatment  (preferably night before or morning of) – if laser technician is required to shave, a fee of $5 applies for each area.
  • No jewellery or piercings can be worn near the area of treatment as a safety precaution.
  • Any areas with tattoos will not be treated.

During Treatment:

  • Feels like a “pin prick” on the skin is some areas; the feeling is not painful– may be slightly uncomfortable based on your personal “pain tolerance”


  • As this is a heat treatment, skin may be slightly red or appear irritated. Minimal swelling may occur (peri-follicular edema)
  • Skin may feel warm – keep area cool and dry. Ice packs may be applied to treated area for 10-15 mins as needed

48-hour Post-treatment Instructions:

  • No hot showers, hot tubs, baths, or any exposure to heat/steam
  • No swimming (avoid chlorine)
  • Avoid applying cosmetics to treated areas until redness has subsided
  • Appearance of hair growth may be evident for 7-28 days post-treatment
  • In the event there is a superficial burn, DO NOT PICK, SCRAPE, OR EXFOLIATE the treated area

Potential Side Effects (if after-care instructions are not followed):

  • Hypo/Hyperpigmentation – related to sun exposure
  • Blistering – related to sun exposure
  • Rarely scarring

What laser machine does Venus & Vixen STUDIOS use?

MeDioStar- Next Pro – German engineered and manufactured diode laser hair technology by Asclepion Technologies

The MeDioStar is the fastest treatment, and it guarantees optimal comfort along with permanent results without any downtime.
The German manufacturing of the MeDioStar combines with FDA and Health Canada approval to ensure optimal results.

Fast Results– You should see significant results within a single treatments and permanent removal will require 6-10 treatments. You will see less regrowth after each successive treatment.

Versatile Treatment – MeDioStar uses a combination of laser wavelengths to provide patients with all skin types to enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal. The laser technician experiences greater treatment versatility in terms of skin types, ranging from I-V, as well as tanned skin.

MeDioStar NeXT PRO offers an adjustable pulse duration and features integrated high power Peltier skin cooling to prevent thermal damage to the epidermis, allowing you to continue your laser hair removal in summer. MeDioStar offers a ‘SmoothPulse Mode’, which removes the need for topical anaesthetic.

Note: Grey, white, and red hairs cannot be effectively treated with any type of laser.

Effective Hair Removal – A special quartz fiber bundle allows the laser beam to be submitted evenly to guarantee uniform distribution with no uneven temperatures or gaps to ensure safe treatment with no side-effects.

Get in touch with Venus & Vixen STUDIOS today to book your MeDioStar laser hair removal treatment. We guarantee fast, safe, pain-free and effective hair removal with no down-time and permanent results.

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